Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Leaving Arran Tomorrow - All Set, I Think !!!

Well the bags are packed and we're ready to go.  Gone over everything in my head, hundreds of times  - bike clothes, normal clothes, camping equipment, tools, food, toiletries, chargers for phone, kindle, go-pro, camera, garmin, laptop; maps and itinerary, bike - but still think I have forgotten something. Catching the 11.05am ferry, first night staying in the Bazpackers Hostel, Inverness. We are all making our own way to Inverness then gathering at 7.00pm, Urquhart's Restaurant for dinner. Plan is to meet at Flora MacDonald's Statue, The Castle at 8.30am for group photos leaving no later than 9.00am.  Will be glad when we are all there, organised and ready to roll.   Have baked some biscuits and meringues for Pavlova dessert at Wick on Day 7. God knows what the meringues will be like by then having trundled round the coast of Scotland, not by bike I hasten to add, in Murray's Support Car. Anyway, the Belles will eat anything especially after a hard day in the saddle so no worries.   Should be fun  !!!!!